Why I started blogging in 2022

Starting a blog is something I have been thinking about a lot for some time.

I’m a person who makes many annotations while learning something. I have annotations on pieces of paper, notebooks, and electronic documents saved in the cloud. The kind of information that I save ranges from words, sentences, and reference links, to diagrams and mind maps.

While I have my own way to organize these pieces of information, I confess that it’s not well structured. Many times I annotate fast to not break my flow.

One of the reasons to start blogging is to have time to give structure to my annotations and have a place to easily find a reference for some concept.

Also, it is a good way to share knowledge. Some years ago I noted that I’m more into teaching concepts to colleagues. Every time I create a new support material to help explain something to others. I think it would be nice to create it once and reuse it every time that I need to explain again. That’s the reason why I decided to have a section on this website to put my presentations and articles.

The reason to blog in English is that my mother language is Brazilian Portuguese, and post content in English is a way for me to practice my written English and have a broader audience.

Thanks for reading this! I hope that you like the content of this website and that it can be useful.

2022-2023 by Paulo Menin. This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0